25 March, 2009

Switch OFF : Earth Hour

"No trees were killed in sending of this message. However, a

large numbers of electrons were terribly inconvenienced."

Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 2:36 PM
Subject: Switch OFF


HP supports WWF's Earth Hour action campaign – Sign up now!

As the exclusive green technology partner of WWF’s Earth Hour in India, HP will be joining cities
around the world as they literally “turn out the lights” between 8:30 to 9:30 pm on March 28, 2009.

Earth Hour will create awareness about climate change and encourage individuals and organizations
to contribute and make a difference in the fight against global warming.

Living up to our responsibility to our customers, our employees, our investors, and the global
community, HP will lead as we always have – by example and by taking action. Hope you will join us
as we combat climate change worldwide.

Click here to learn more about HP’s support of Earth hour 2009 and our commitment to the environment.

Hewlett Packard India







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